- @mihaibrehar is that really Linus? not like a fake Jobs blog ? in reply to mihaibrehar #
- spammers are everywhere... I just got a "follow" on backtype from someone following over 2k accounts with no comment #
- @khelo cauti? in reply to khelo #
- RT: @CommentLuv: dammit, Vista crashes when i listen to mp3's . I'm threatening it by downloading a linux iso #
- my blog is my playground ... now playing with Twitterremote #
- Sign into my TwitterRemote on http://twittercounter.com/mihaisecasiu so I know when you check my stats! #
- Here's one feature I'd love to see in firefox: I click a link and it opens in new tab, when I close that tab firefox... http://ff.im/5VoPY #
- @mihaibrehar but no love for FF 3.5 🙁 in reply to mihaibrehar #
- friendfeed has a problem with email notifications on comments. Got an email notification 9 hours after the comment was posted #
- @bobbyvoicu daca tot esti prieten cu Dragos, sa-i spui si ca banerele de pe site sunt mult prea enervante in reply to bobbyvoicu #
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