Tag Archives: phone

Wammu backup to CSV for Gmail

This is a modification to the wammu2csv.pl script that you can still find in google cache if you look for it.

The problem with the original script was that wammu ( version 0.35 anyway ) seems to generate backup files encoded in UTF-16 and the regular expressions in that script will not work unless the content is first converted from UTF-16.

Another benefit of the modified script is that now you don't have to convert the backup file from DOS to UNIX anymore.

To use this script:

  1. Connect to your phone using wammu
  2. Retrieve contacts from phone and save them in a file using the backup function
  3. download [download id="31"] and run:
    ./wammu2csv.pl <your-backup-file> > <your-csv-file>

    This will generate a CSV file that you can import in Gmail