Tag Archives: ips

Webmin 1.480: Bulk add ip addresses

A few months ago I published a patch for webmin that would allow you to easily add a lot of ip addresses to an interface in webmin. At that time I mentioned that the patch could only be applied on webmin 1.410.

Now I needed this patch again but this time on webmin 1.480 so I adapted it to work with the new version.

For usage instructions please see the original post

You can download the new version here: [download id="11" format="1"]


This only works for interfaces activated at boot. The code could easily be copied to work with the other interfaces too but I didn't see a use for that.

After you add the ip addresses ( aliases ) you have to go to the list of interfaces, select the newly added interfaces and click the "Apply selected interfaces" button if you want the new aliases to be activated without having to reboot.