- Google's a threat to you, not Microsoft http://ff.im/69tZn #
- TG Daily (c) - Firefox, IE. Tech journalists are a disgrace http://ff.im/69uon #
- 55 Ways to Bring Open Source into Education http://ff.im/69D3X #
- Inequalities with imaginary numbers? on IRC everything is possible 😀 RT: @tudormoldovan: http://bit.ly/2mnQ7t :)) #
- WordPress Version 2.8.3 Security Release http://ff.im/6bYbU #
- Using Varnish in front of your Amazon S3 static content http://ff.im/6bYbT #
- The bandwidth-sync correlation that's worth thinking about http://ff.im/6cbk1 #
- what's the best dedicated server provider with reasonable prices ? #
- @mihaibrehar I can't read german 🙂 in reply to mihaibrehar #
- @mihaibrehar that's crazy. if the site is not in english they don't want english speaking business, do you also use translate for support? in reply to mihaibrehar #
- Ticket closed but no reply....very nice... thanks @returnpath 🙂 #
- Are You Trying To Be a Robot? http://ff.im/6jQy9 #
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