- google reader just logs me out in #firefox 3.5 #
- RT: @tudormoldovan: world's most efficient alarm clock (i had this idea once, really need it) http://bit.ly/lP2Ic #
- @krzsaw qmail in reply to krzsaw #
- @feeniks seems a bit outdated, qmail is public domain since 2007 in reply to feeniks #
- Easy TweetDeck in Ubuntu 64 bit | OSS Ramblings [pic] http://ff.im/4Cjri #
- changed #mysql home dir and couldn't start it anymore. Turns out I had to change the #AppArmor profile for mysql #ubuntu #
- gmail moved labels next to folders. Labels look more and more like folders. What's next sublabels ? C'mon gmail admit it, folders are better #
- album reordeing in gallery 2 is buggy. hoping the code in gallery3 is better #
- @AnnePMitchell buying as you see them would be wise but resisting the temptation to give them right away might be too hard 🙂 in reply to AnnePMitchell #
- @AnnePMitchell kind of like the old "hidden too well" problem. 🙂 in reply to AnnePMitchell #
- @aliverson could that be a remote position? 🙂 in reply to aliverson #
- @AnnePMitchell less #followfriday tweets and less usernames in #followfriday tweets 🙂 in reply to AnnePMitchell #
- Solar Power from Outer Space: Microwaves and Frickin' Lasers http://ff.im/4LO7i #
- Man Paid $2500 To Impregnate Neighbors Wife - Fails 72 Times http://ff.im/4LPrq #
- Blind man sees after having a TOOTH implanted in right eye http://ff.im/4LPsu #
- New Linux patch could circumvent Microsoft's FAT patents http://ff.im/4LRvl #
- Wanna be @the_real_shaq? That'll be $50,000 http://ff.im/4LRNS #
- Wanna be @the_real_shaq? That'll be $50,000 http://ff.im/4MCzm #
- How to Run Android Applications on Ubuntu http://ff.im/4MCON #
- Now Ubuntu doesn't need to reboot even after kernel updates http://ff.im/4MDhu #
- @studiorhoad maybe you're out of disk space in reply to studiorhoad #
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