This week on twitter 2009-05-12

  • liking the new design of . Ok maybe it's not new but it's the first time I see it #
  • Thinking about business models #
  • RT: @danzarrella: If u have a bunch of followers, but r following more people than r following u. I assume u just followed-to-get-followers. #
  • Twitter Connect for WordPress | Shannon Whitley [feedly] -
    (via... #
  • if you're forking in perl with DBI and MySQL, make sure you connect in the child process or you mess up the parent's connection #
  • I just realized I can safely unsubscribe from the loud news accounts ( like @mashable, @techcrunch , @chrispirillo ,... #
  • RT: @dacort: Oooh, Twitter new follower emails now include followers/following/updates information. #
  • @AnnePMitchell they're not so bad. I like more info about the new followers. I was hoping I would get the bio too in reply to AnnePMitchell #
  • @problogger maybe he consults experts 🙂 #
  • @scour your email news can be categorized as spam because you offer no easy way for me to unsubscribe. I'm not talking about invitations #
  • looking for a good color picker for jquery #

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