- Sleek Javascript Calendar (Date Picker) for Mootools http://ff.im/2oqSe #
- The hacking business model - Askmonty.org [pic] http://ff.im/2ouS9 #
- can anyone show me which is better mootools or jquery, and why ? any comparison article ? #
- @rahsheen I do this regularly. I also unfollow those that abuse the #followfriday thing in reply to rahsheen #
- @corvida bad move in reply to corvida #
- @matt_kruse thanks, the graph says a lot, but it seems there are still some big names using mootools. Or that's what they claim anyway in reply to matt_kruse #
- trying firebug 1.4 and not liking the new interface... I think i'll go back to 1.3 #
- @anutron I love the "With Frameworks, What Matters Is Hidden Deep Inside" but if I have to dig in before I make the decision I lose time in reply to anutron #
- geolocation and improved privacy... little contradiction in the new firefox don't you think ? #
- @nonsequitir I doubt that is actually patching. I guess they just replace a lot of files in reply to nonsequitir #
- A million blind squirrels http://ff.im/2tByH #
- Mechanics vs. intent http://ff.im/2wnjz #
- trying to download a custom jquery ui but I just get an empty (0 bytes ) zip file #
- Jeditable with jQuery UI Datepicker - Stack Overflow [pic] http://ff.im/2wrff #
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