- finally someone fixed the code editor in wordpress http://tinyurl.com/68vg6k #
- more then 90% of the comments I get on my blog are spam. Is this a trend or is it just me. What's your spam rate? #
- me: I want to cancel TDNAM aftermarket membership. Godaddy after 2 more messages: do you want to cancel? me: no I was just playing. Stupid #
- here's a great article about how to set up a reverse proxy in apache http://www.apachetutor.org/admin/reverseproxies #
- 3 google analytics wp plugins : http://tinyurl.com/ypegyp http://tinyurl.com/2sahgs http://tinyurl.com/36ztg9 which one do you use? #
- RT: @jophillips http://www.turnthisthingoff.com/ #
- @yarostarak that's where the real adventure is 🙂 in reply to yarostarak #
- @designmeme smells like spam in reply to designmeme #
- How children cope with failure http://tinyurl.com/5av9yv #
- @briancarter next: firefox extension to let you view gmail inside yahoo mail inside a facebook app inside a google gadget 😀 in reply to briancarter #
- @chrisbrogan fist time I read your messages I thought you said: "He's rocking the holistic music already." What ?? in reply to chrisbrogan #
- cleaning up my rss subscriptions in google reader. Removing blogs that are too loud like engaget, gizmodo, slashdot, digg, techchrunch, etc. #
- Firefox Private Browsing http://tinyurl.com/6zcofo . now you don't have to use separate browser for your private sessions #
- The internet really is almost full: http://tinyurl.com/5hnuue #
- Seth Godin's (blog) first step on twitter : http://tinyurl.com/5wvqqn #
- testing wordpress 2.7 RC2 #
- wp 2.7 looks good so far. I'm lovnig the idea of the plugin directory right into admin and the install link but it doesn't seem to work #
- @nonsequitir good idea. I'll build an island out of hard drives and then start downloading 🙂 in reply to nonsequitir #
- I wanted to write an article about using wplist in wordpress but I realized in a few days it will be obsolete because of wp 2.7 release #
- wha! almost two days without twitter. What did I lose ? #
- RT: @sugarrae fucking Laugh Out Loud AWESOME: http://tinyurl.com/5h3gt9 #
- @Jimconnolly it's amazing that you still remember the exact day. Happy birthday to your email address! 🙂 in reply to Jimconnolly #
- @Jimconnolly getting an email address 13 years ago was something to remember, ( it got mine about 10 yr ago) these days it's nothing special in reply to Jimconnolly #
- today I entered SecondLife for the first time in my life ( first life ) 🙂 . Can I say i was born again ? #
- @filipcte I never managed to watch lotr. always got bored after 10-15 minutes in reply to filipcte #
- @filipcte ah so you're watching it again! Have fun! in reply to filipcte #
- anyone knows how i can view videos on youtube using the old player ( not the hd one ) ? it hate it that it's so large even on non hd videos #
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