- Please help saving #MySQL http://monty-says.blogspot.com/2009/12/help-saving-mysql.html . Please RT #
- RT @ThisIsSethsBlog Seth's Blog: What Matters Now: get the free ebook http://bit.ly/5Ta1lE #
- Excluding your plugin or theme from update checks http://ff.im/cV821 #
- Let’s stop talking about “backups†http://ff.im/cV8zk #
- @brassblogs is it not "Technocrati" ? 😀 in reply to brassblogs #
- RT: @wpatch: @williamsba WordPress 2.9 is down to 5 tickets in Trac! RC must be close: http://bit.ly/5sZNvd #
- @brassblogs lol, I know, I was just trying to tell you I often make the same mistake 🙂 in reply to brassblogs #
- Monty says: Oracle gives only empty promises for MySQL http://bit.ly/7bB0d4 #
- Fill and span DVD archives with Discspan http://ff.im/cZOai #
- Now you can bid for computing time. Start EC2 instances automatically when the price is <= then your bid http://tinyurl.com/y9selqf #
- MS Internet Explorer finally dethroned in Germany! http://ff.im/d0IbX #
- Introducing Google Browser Size http://ff.im/d1MS3 #
- hmm I can access the svn repository but cannot commit my new #wordpress plugin. What's wrong with the plugins directory repository? #
- so I changed the ownership of a local folder and not commit works, could also be a coincidence 🙂 #
- now login doesn't work on wordpress.org ... something is happening there ... #
- Stay up to date with WP Version Check http://bit.ly/76luw5 . Now in the #wordpress directory so you can install it right from wp admin. #
- Think You Can Disappear? http://ff.im/d3my2 #
- Different kinds of work http://ff.im/d3mXu #
- @seb86 it seems to work now in reply to seb86 #
- @chrisjean because WHM is aimed at less savvy users that could break things if given too much power 🙂 in reply to chrisjean #
- would be nice to have a #wordpress plugin that would allow you to upgrade to a beta or RC version #
- ah and here it is: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-beta-tester/ . An easy way to test #wordpress beta versions #
- running #wordpress 2.9-RC1 and loving it #
- @andrew_rickmann I'd rather hack #wordpress or create a plugin then switch to a different cms in reply to andrew_rickmann #
- Has Aweber Been Compromised? Reports of Spam Going to Aweber Lists http://ff.im/d99fr #
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