- @bobbyvoicu se pare ca se refera doar la trafic direct din PPC daca vine de pe o pagina la care s-a facut PPC e ok. in reply to bobbyvoicu #
- the new friendfeed looks more like twitter http://ff.im/1X90C #
- can I comment on comment and like a like ? dawg! http://ff.im/1X9eX #
- What does better mean? http://ff.im/1XbUv #
- Blog or News Site http://ff.im/1XbUz #
- @GodFodder seems like these days everything has to be EPIC FAIL, ... just FAIL is not enough 🙂 #
- The first question every web site designer must ask http://ff.im/1ZzlB #
- @lyndoman do you really think any of those following thousands of people actually look at their twitter stream in reply to lyndoman #
- @lyndoman actually you use tweetdeck because it helps you show you "follow" 3k but not actually do it in reply to lyndoman #
- smaz - a small string compression library http://ff.im/20PGs #
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