- @djwaldow you know spammers say the same thing about spam too, right ? in reply to djwaldow #
- I wonder if / how you could build a ruby on rails app that is NOT "web based" . #
- @djwaldow I guess it's a gray area, some would say I opted to recv them when I followed, but clearly I didn't opt for something like that in reply to djwaldow #
- twitter phishing is on. What's next? Spamasassin for twitter ? #
- RT: @CommentLuv: commentluv is 2 users away from having 4000 registered blog users! wo0t #
- anyone tracking comments with http://www.backtype.com ? #
- @robertbasic dzone works for me in reply to robertbasic #
- @cami13 tocmai am descoperit backtype, nu stiam de celalalt serviciu... link broken ? in reply to cami13 #
- who's using friendfeed? send me your profile link and I may subscribe to your feeds #
- btw here's my profile on friendfeed : http://friendfeed.com/symx #
- I had no idea Canonical has developed an open source microblogging platform ( http://laconi.ca ). #
- @adriana_iordan Thanks. I plan to start using it, my account there was dormant since I created it. in reply to adriana_iordan #
- New comment today on "AM Inbox: First embedded video in retail email" http://bit.ly/75rq #
- playing around with identi.ca ( http://identi.ca/mihaisecasiu ) while compiling gwibber https://launchpad.net/gwibber #
- @cami13 Thanks. M-a pierdut pe prima pagina. Nu-mi place ideea de Download, mai ales ca nu e disp pe Linux. La backtype nu fac nimic in plus in reply to cami13 #
- @Extravagant seriously ? do you think SEO experts are also Regex masters ? in reply to Extravagant #
- gwibber usability = 0 ( zero !!! ) can't even copy paste in reply to jkrohrs #
- @Extravagant maybe but SEO is not just about keywords, phrases and stuff like that. in reply to Extravagant #
- adsense/adwords should have an ad review button like facebook ads. If I consider the ad to be not relevant stop showing it to me #
- @Extravagant I agree somehow about key phrases but I think they will lose their importance more and more as social SE emerge in reply to Extravagant #
- @Extravagant maybe facebook ads don't work as they should but the idea is good. in reply to Extravagant #
- @SteelEnGEN well in theory with adsense it doesn't save any money unless they are CPM ads but it sure helps both viewers and advertisers in reply to SteelEnGEN #
- @Extravagant I'm not saying social search is perfect as it is but it will be improved and I see a direction to it in reply to Extravagant #
- @Extravagant lol anything can be problematic, think current major SEs don't have their problems in reply to Extravagant #
- @Extravagant Cluj-Napoca, about 320Km away from Bucharest #
- Display Tweetbacks (Tweets linking to your post) on your blog: http://tinyurl.com/9e4ank from @danzarrella #
- @oldmanuk I decided to go with a binary .deb on ubuntu 8.10. Tried to paste a link in a tweet and didn't work in reply to oldmanuk #
- @oldmanuk a) yes , but then I tried to put in the tinyurl and still didn't work b) yes but it still doesn't work. in reply to oldmanuk #
- @oldmanuk I started gwibber in terminal so now I can see the error. I get this: urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error in reply to oldmanuk #
- @oldmanuk that's when it tried to access is.gd api in reply to oldmanuk #
- @oldmanuk I just raised the bug: http://tinyurl.com/6tyh5m in reply to oldmanuk #
- seems like I'm hot http://twitemperature.com/mihaisecasiu/ #
- @dacort that extrension is crazy. It in reply to dacort #
- @dacort it's like turning firefox into lynx or links in reply to dacort #
- @danzarrella how about pagination for tweetbacks? in reply to danzarrella #
- @danzarrella pagination doesn't seem to complicate but it could be useful. in reply to danzarrella #
- RT: @divinewrite Copywriter Twitter friends, u can submit copy to my site http://tinyurl.com/5ruyvl and share its ad rev 50/50. #
- RT: @lorelleonwp: WordPress 2.7 download counter is now 943,093 at http://tinyurl.com/eqp4o - slowed down for new years now rocking. #
- @denniston I use Cpanel, Plesk and Webmin+VirtualMin , not on the same server of course ๐ in reply to denniston #
- @neilcreek a quick solution would be to clear all form fills and then it should save the new email but that will lose all of the other data in reply to neilcreek #
- @denniston webmin+virtualmin . It may not be as good looking as the others but it's open and do a lot more then any of the others in reply to denniston #
- RT: @jdevalk: If you were to store Tweets on your posts in WP, to display them below your posts, should they be pingbacks or norm comments? in reply to jdevalk #
- @jdevalk are you talking about my own tweets or something like tweetbacks http://tinyurl.com/9e4ank by @danzarrella in reply to jdevalk #
- @jdevalk great, can't wait to try it. I think separate would be best. in reply to jdevalk #
- watch out for a release of a wordpress plugin for tweetbacks. Who's going to be first @improvingtheweb or @jdevalk ? #
- @chrisgarrett WP SEO Secrets could be good but those sales letter pages scare me away. Does anyone ever read those long pages anyway? in reply to chrisgarrett #
- @chrisgarrett no offense but whenever I see such a page I read Don't Buy/Scam/Low Value in reply to chrisgarrett #
- @chrisgarrett cool, I wonder if that increased sales ๐ in reply to chrisgarrett #
- @divinewrite or maybe they just think it really NEEDS to be that long in reply to divinewrite #
- @divinewrite what's the deal? Does long bring in more sales? I'd rather have a short front page and then one or more "learn more" link(s) in reply to divinewrite #
- @divinewrite I agree a writer has to know his audience. I wonder how many do any split testing or something similar in reply to divinewrite #
- @WPersWhoTweet that's what I think too. in reply to WPersWhoTweet #
- @divinewrite I'm sure it works for some audiences as @chrisgarret said "otherwise they wouldn't do it" but I've seen too many scams using it in reply to divinewrite #
- RT: @chrisgarrett: RT @graywolf:@aaronwall made me chuckle especially the two about fortune 500's http://zi.ma/2d3fa4 #
- @jdevalk great artticle, sphun and stunbled it in reply to jdevalk #
- RT: @danzarrella: The first WP Plugin for Tweetbacks: http://bstpierre.org/Projects/tweetbacks/ #
- The problem is this first tweetbacks plugin is still using the js on @danzarrella server. I'll wait for a standalone plugin. in reply to danzarrella #
- @danzarrella when you update it you release a new version of the plugin and everybody updates. A centralized solution doesn't scale in reply to danzarrella #
- @danzarrella there are two other people that are currently building standalone plugins. What do you think most users will want? in reply to danzarrella #
- @danzarrella I'm interested in reply to danzarrella #
- RT: @danzarrella: Any bloggers out there interested in publishing a guest post by me about TweetBacks? #
- @chrisgarrett I still don't use a real desktop app. ( twittefox ) ... waiting for gwibber to get useful in reply to chrisgarrett #
- the worst part about auto DMs is that a lot of times you can't even reply to them cause some will just DM but not follow back #
- @hendricius seriously ? you really think getting a mac would make you a better blogger. Get real! in reply to hendricius #
- @hendricius so what ? sheep do something just because all others do it. in reply to hendricius #
- @hendricius no, if you can blog from your phone you can just as well blog from a 486. I bet I can blog and tweet from a linksys router. in reply to hendricius #
- @hendricius in other words: the power is not the tools you use, it's how you use them that makes a difference in reply to hendricius #
- @hendricius dude, seriously! is this a joke? in reply to hendricius #
- @hendricius let me tell you another one: Q: Do you know how you can insult a hacker? A: You tell him his mom uses a Mac! in reply to hendricius #
- @hendricius showing off your gear is for people like john chow who blog about making money. in reply to hendricius #
- @hendricius and even if you would want to show off you could buy computers that can be both better and more expensive then a Mac in reply to hendricius #
- @hendricius showing off your gear when you have poor content and no one visits your blog is not going to help. Get your priorities in line in reply to hendricius #
- @hendricius "fake it till you make it" doesn't always work in reply to hendricius #
- @hendricius I'm not here to teach blogging lessons. for that take a look at @problogger's blog. I'm just saying it's not the Mac in reply to hendricius #
- @hendricius I'm sorry I fell for this flame war. In the past I used to just unfollow people talking too much about Mac, Apple, Iphone, etc in reply to hendricius #
- @hendricius well you got mine though I don't consider myself a blogger. I blog but that's not my main business. in reply to hendricius #
- @hendricius good for you. Other then the 'image' and will to be like the 'biggies' what do you think a MAc could do and Ubuntu can't in reply to hendricius #
- RT: @garyvee: Anyone out there a VERY good Rails coder that has 8-10 hours for a small upgrade issue in exchange for whatever they need? in reply to garyvee #
- RT: @JesseStay: Twitter is the perfect spammer's paradise - no where else can you sign up and get an automatic noreply resp address for dms #
- @JesseStay there could be an easy fix for it. Twitter auto activate 'accept dm from X' when you send a dm to X in reply to JesseStay #
- morning everybody! is tweetbeep gone for good ? #
- @jdevalk any ETA for the tweetbacks plugin ? in reply to jdevalk #
- @Twilert I registered for a test but after clicking the confirmation link it just hangs in reply to Twilert #
- @Twilert finally worked in reply to Twilert #
- @Twilert you need to make it faster. Creating a twilert took about 30 seconds or more after I submitted it in reply to Twilert #
- @butterflyx your twitter landing page points to a twitter account that doesn't exist in reply to butterflyx #
- installing Dell OpenManage inside a Debian chroot running on Gentoo as explained here : http://tinyurl.com/88b5oo #
- wow 50% commissions on @divinewrite's SEO ebook http://snipr.com/9mrp7 #
- @sergiufloroaia of if you do make sure you have backups before you do it ๐ in reply to sergiufloroaia #
- @jdevalk I tried to convince @danzarrella to release his backend code cause users would really want a standalone plugin but I had no success in reply to jdevalk #
- @LisaHoffmann is social media the answer to everything ? I thought it was 42: http://tinyurl.com/7k9q99 in reply to LisaHoffmann #
- just read: T-Bucket's Wacky Tips to Survive Being Broke in a Recession http://tinyurl.com/8pnxqu #
- @LAMPHost Additional Bandwidth: $35 / 100Kb/s / month ? is that a joke ? http://tinyurl.com/9x36q4 in reply to LAMPHost #
- reading:10 Most Bizarre Programming Languages Ever Created http://tinyurl.com/9cy5lw #
- just finished setting DomainKeys email authentication, SPF and PTR records for a client #
- @nonsequitir of course they know you use Linux, no live for linux lovers ๐ in reply to nonsequitir #
- @danzarrella that link isn't working in reply to danzarrella #
- RT: @danzarrella New TweetBack This Button http://tinyurl.com/77uvdo #
- trying out tweetbacks plugin by @jdevalk http://yoast.com/tweetbacks-wordpress/ #
- decided to upgrade wp to 2.7 first, cause the code to activate tweetbacks seems smaller and I'm lazy #
- wordpress upgrade went well but a logout link on the theme stopped working. Fixed by using wp_logout_url() function #
- just finished converting the "blue lucas" wp theme by http://www.newdirt.org/ to take advantage of wp 2.7 capabilities #
- want me to help? don't expect me to figure out what problem you have. Tell me all the details #
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