- back to twitter after two sleepless nights and days of heavy work 🙂 #
- @JoeTortuga Hey Paul, are you still developing the "installable" version of FriendDeck ? 🙂 in reply to JoeTortuga #
- Pligg, the Digg clone CMS, Releases Version 1.0 http://ff.im/45f9m #
- ah sorry ... I replied to Paul's comment I forgot friendfeed doesn't have threaded comments 🙂 #
- @JoeTortuga sorry ... I replied to Paul's comment on friendfeed and I forgot friendfeed doesn't have threaded comments 🙂 in reply to JoeTortuga #
- so if I use mobile broadband on ubuntu how do I measure the amount of traffic to make sure I don't go over the quota ? #
- @mihaibrehar yeah sure, but when the connection dies ( and mobile does that, you know ?) those values are reset in reply to mihaibrehar #
- cool RT: @HughBriss: Haha this is great. Instead of hiding your appliance wires, create an outlet wall to show them off. http://bit.ly/oUfuU #
- @AnnePMitchell yes, unless that was sarcasm in reply to AnnePMitchell #
- @mihaibrehar yeah that was my first thought, but then I thought maybe someone knows of anything that's already done in reply to mihaibrehar #
- A Bulbdial Clock - Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories [pic] http://ff.im/48R0H #
- Dev4Press & Expanding Plugins panel [pic] http://ff.im/49ex8 #
- Get Your Recipients To Add You To Their Safe Sender List http://ff.im/49ewL #
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